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Thursday, September 5, 2024

Personal Brand Worksheet

 1. What are you most passionate about? What do you care deeply about?

One thing I that I care deeply about would be family. For me this was easy to think of and the first thing I thought of. Having a family that supports you all the time is a blessing. I am originally from Iowa and go to school here in South Carolina, so that is 16 hours away from my house. My parent and my brother have always been my number one supporter. The amount of time, effort and money my parents have spent so I can do the things I love is incredible. Even though I live 16 hours away my parents still make it to the games they can. This fall they plan on coming down for a game, senior night, thanksgiving, and my graduation. I am forever grateful for them! 

2. What are your top 3-4 personal attributes-- the things that define how you make things happen?

Kindness- My love language is giving and kind gestures. For example, last year for senior night I made custom letters for each senior with pictures on them along with gift baskets. (see attached picture) I ended up making 6 letters and overall, it took over 15 hours.

Hardworking-I am always striving to get better at stuff. Whether it is the sport I play (soccer) or a project in a class. I always want to give my best work.

Type A (Organized)- I know this can be bad in some ways. But I am organized when it comes to stuff. One example is my locker in my locker room for soccer. In my locker I have everything organized and have stuff in a certain place. To go along with that I also am very prepared I always have two of everything if I can, this is in case something breaks or if someone needs something. I always like being prepared!!


3. What specific professional experiences reflect your strengths and values? What are your 3-4 greatest strengths that have benefited or helped others around you?

Leadership- Soccer has helped me learn the importance of resilience, whether it’s bouncing back from a tough loss or staying focused during a high-pressure situation, the strength has not only helped me as a leader, but also inspired others around me to keep pushing forward, no matter what.

Coaching/helping others- As a youth I lead by creating a positive and inclusive environment where young players could thrive by organizing engaging practices and providing empathetic guidance. I hope them learn the love for the game well and stealing important values like teamwork and resilience.

Motivating- in a work environment, my leadership is defined by motivating others to achieve their best. I help focus on clear communication, recognizing individual strengths and help and supporting a positive atmosphere.

4. What do you have to offer that no one else does? What makes you unique and sets you apart from your peers?

One thing that sets me  apart is my unique combination of leadership, empathy, and motivation. I try to help empower other succeed whether it’s on the field off the field in the classroom or out of the classroom. I can help connect with people and understand their needs and help them inspire to be the best version of themselves.

5. Put it all together: Identify the 3 words or phrases that reflect your personal brand’s attributes

Athletic, kind, helpful

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