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Wednesday, August 28, 2024

A 25-Year-Old Bet Comes Due: Has Tech Destroyed Society?

Kevin Kelly is a technology writer and one of the Wired Magazine co-founder. He is well known for having an optimistic outlook on technology and believing that advances in this field usually have a good impact on society. He has also written a number of books that examine the future of technology and how it will affect people, such as what technology wants and the inevitable.

Patric Sale is a well known author, environmentalist, and critic of technology. His neo-Luddite beliefs, which criticism industrial society and modern technology are popular. Sale is a prolific writer on the subjects of decentralization, and the perlis of unbridled technological advancement. 

The main conflict between Kelly and Sale revolves around their differing views on the impact on technology. While Kelly believes that technology will lead to positive progress for society, Sale argues that it will ultimately lead to societal collapse, environmental disaster, and widening inequality. In 1995, Kevin Kelly and Patrick Sale made a bet about how technology would affect society over the next 25 years, with the outcome to be judged in 2020. The bet focused on three areas; the potential for an economic collapse triggered by technology, the likelihood of a global environmental disaster due to technological advancements, and whether technology would deepen social inequality, leading to conflict between wealthy and poor.

The outcome of the bet showed that while there was no total economic collapse, there were significant economic disruptions. Environmental issues have indeed worsened, but not to the catastrophic extent that Sale predicted. Similarly, although income inequality has grown, it has not resulted in the kind of class warfare between the rich and poor that Sale envisioned. The judge ultimately ruled in favor of Kevin Kelly, as non of the catastrophic outcomes Sale predicted had come to pass in the 25-year timeframe.

Whether you agree with the verdict may depend on your interpretation of the outcomes. Some might argue that while the exact scenarios didn't unfold, the trends are concerning, especially regarding environmental degradation and inequality. For a similar bet over the next 25 years, key areas to take into consideration might include the ongoing challenges of climate change and the effects of digital privacy and surveillance on personal freedoms.

Looking ahead, possible changes could be technological advancements, the shift to renewable energy, and changes in the global economy.

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