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Monday, October 14, 2024

Video Resume Thoughts

1. What works? What doesn't work?
One thing that i think works well is to be on campus to record parts of my video. I really like how it connects to Limestone university. I thought that in Dylan's video he starts the video on campus. 
One thing that I think doesn't work is how long one of the videos is. I think staying in the 1-2 minute range is perfect because if it longer the audience wont be as interested and most likely not stay and watch the whole video. 

2. What style could fit my personal resume goals? Match my personality?
I think that I should definitely include my leadership style into my résumé video showing how I can help lead others because that's one of my qualities that I think I have and can really showcase in the video.

3. What thing do I want to include?
One thing I definitely want to include is pictures from my hometown and really connected with the video and what I learned throughout this course. I also really like all the subtle music in the backgrounds of all the videos.

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